Since 1926 BRÜCKNER is synonymous with quality and reliability. We are one of the biggest producers of piston pins and crank pins in the world, and our products are sold worldwide We are flexible in solving any of our customers´ problems. We work in partnership with the main suppliers in the automotive industry and 2-stroke engine producers.
Stability, flexibility and know how – a combination you can rely on.
We manufacture crank pins, for built crankshafts, from 6 – 50 mm
We manufacture piston pins with cylindrical o.d. from 6 – 50 mm in small and medium production lots
Special shafts from 6 - 50 mm o.d. with carburizing or tempering. Cross-head bolts, kingpins, shift shafts, planetary bolts and other similar
In our new, interactive company brochure, you will find all the information about our company in a compact summary.
Since august 2013, we have a new 6-spindle lathe GMC-20 made by Gildemeister in use. On this machine piston pins an crank pins with large production lots are produced. The maschine is equipped with bar loading magazine and inner cooling and we also use it to manufacture piston pins with an conical bore.
Brückner GmbH & Co. KG
Bickefeldstraße 5
44269 Dortmund - Germany
+49 (0)231 - 45 20 16
+49 (0)231 - 45 75 87