BRÜCKNER Gmbh & Co. KG is an innovative medium-sized company with appr. 30 employees. The company was founded 1926 and we are a third genaration family business.
Our products range from:
We specialize in the mass production of piston pins and crank pins from 8 – 20 mm o.d.. However, our machines are capable of producing piston pins from 21 – 50 mm o.d., but only in smaller lots.
Brückner has many years of know how and works with the latest technologies. We are known for our efficiency, delivering our products to our customers´ special requirements.
We pioneered high quality precision workmanship having been first certified by the Luftfahrtbundesamt (Federal Board of Aviation) in 1983. We are currently certified to the latest ISO 9001:2008 until December 2017
In our new, interactive company brochure, you will find all the information about our company in a compact summary.
Since august 2013, we have a new 6-spindle lathe GMC-20 made by Gildemeister in use. On this machine piston pins an crank pins with large production lots are produced. The maschine is equipped with bar loading magazine and inner cooling and we also use it to manufacture piston pins with an conical bore.
Brückner GmbH & Co. KG
Bickefeldstraße 5
44269 Dortmund - Germany
+49 (0)231 - 45 20 16
+49 (0)231 - 45 75 87