Turning machines

6 spindle turning machines with a bar capacity from 6 – 35 mm

Grinding machines

Centerless grinding machines. The last machine in the grinding line has a 100 % measurement.

Testing equipment

Testing equipment

Testing equipment for roughness, roundness, cylindricity and profile

Circular cold saws

Circular cold saws

Deep drilling machines

Deep drilling machines

Facing machines

Facing machines

Heat treatment

heat treatment

Automatic gas carburizing heat treatment or themper hardening with additional gas analyzer and automatic testing of the effective hardening depth.

During the heat treatment the parts can - materialrealted - grow or shrink to a minor extent. Parts with very small tolerances - mostly the length - will not meet high demaned cpk values. Therefor after hardening and tempering they are 100% fully automatic tested on diameter and lenght.


Company brochure

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Gildemeister GMC 20

Since august 2013, we have a new 6-spindle lathe GMC-20 made by Gildemeister in use. On this machine piston pins an crank pins with large production lots are produced. The maschine is equipped with bar loading magazine and inner cooling and we also use it to manufacture piston pins with an conical bore.

We will be happy to advise you

Brückner GmbH & Co. KG

Bickefeldstraße 5
44269 Dortmund - Germany

   +49 (0)231 - 45 20 16
  +49 (0)231 - 45 75 87
